Tuesday, March 11, 2025

When the MAGA say "woke" they mean "secular humanist"

I've long wondered what the MAGA mean by "woke" and why they hate it so much.  A recent essay by the scribe of the technarchy, Noah Smith, answered my question.

Smith writes
N.S. Lyons is a popular essayist in the “national conservative” tradition...  He is well-read and well-informed ... 

In a recent essay entitled “American Strong Gods”, Lyons identifies what in my opinion is a deep truth about our current historical moment....

... Lyons believes that the end of anti-Nazism as the West’s guiding principle will pave the way for the return of morality, community, rootedness, faith, and civilizational pride ...

... the American Right views wokeness as a greater threat than the potential return of Hitler ... 

If the great threat is wokeness, then presumably it is opposed to the things Lyons praises. I don't know what wokeness is, but let me suggest, based on that list, that woke is a synonym for "secular humanist". I'll go through each of Lyons values and say whether secular humanism (and liberalism) is opposed ...

  1. Morality: The MAGA are without honor, integrity, compassion or decency. Their morality is about the supremacy of wealth, the rightness of strength, and the joy of crushing enemies. But it is a morality of sort and it's very different from secular humanism. Secular humanist morality is much closer to traditional Christian thought but with a primary focus on people.  Opposed.
  2. Community: Libs (sec hum variant) are more concerned with individual freedom and tolerance than with tribe or community.  Somewhat opposed.
  3. Rootedness: Perplexity tells me that by this the MAGA mean "historic and cultural heritage". Like statues to slaveholders. Myths and stories, many untrue. Secular humanists favor truth and reality - albeit with the knowledge that humans need stories and untrue stories may facilitate less terrible behavior. Opposed with caveat.
  4. Faith. Secular humanists tend to be agnostic or atheistic and favor people over religious belief. Opposed.
  5. Civilizational pride: Similar to rootedness. Again, myths and stories, much omitted. No slavery, no genocides, no slaughters, no crimes. Again, secular humanists favor truth and reality. Opposed

The shoe fits. When MAGA speak of "woke" they mean "secular humanist", which they probably consider the same as Lib. They are correct to say "woke" (secular humanist) is the enemy.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Project 2025 - the Perplexity Summary

I don't have the patience to dig through Project 2025. I was hoping a journalist I follow would do an opinion-free overview but I haven't seen one. So I asked Perplexity Deep Research to extract themes. I italicized the ones that I have not seen discussed very much. It does not seem to be an expression of a coherent ideology; rather it seems to be a political document collecting opinions of powerful individuals. A lot of it is about education and schools.

  • Administrative state: Dissolve Education, EPA and Homeland Security.
    • Defund Head Start.
    • HHS gets education
    • Dept of Education funds go to school vouchers
  • Seed conservatives throughout the civil service
  • Put the FBI and DOJ under presidential control. Use National Guard for immigration enforcement.
  • Flat tax and corporate tax cut
  • Eliminate overtime pay rules, weaken NRLB, relax OSHA rules.
  • Promote fossil fuel industries by reducing environmental regulations. Reverse carbon emission regulations, promote Arctic drilling
  • Reduce reliance on foreign manufacturing (PDB claims 2025 is internally inconsistent about tariffs vs free trade).
  • Restrict abortion by banning medication mail and defund Planned Parenthood
  • Rescind LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination rules in healthcare and foster care.
  • End civil rights enforcement in schools
  • End Title 1 funding (money for schools with high percentage of low income students)
  • End Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IEPs, transition services, least restrictive environment etc). There is no federal replacement noted so presumably this all goes to the states.
  • Defund NPR and PBS
  • Pornography restrictions
  • Ban TikTok, ban Confucius Institutes, block Chinese critical sector investments
  • Defund climate science, downsize NOAA
  • Privatize National Flood Insurance Program
  • Reinstate border wall
The full perplexity report includes critiques of these measures. I hadn't wanted those but LLMs have a "mind of their own" as they say. Apparently LLMs think Project 2025 is kind of dumb. 

As a certified squishy Lib I can see the logic of some of them. The weirdest parts are the trans and porn obsessions. The funniest part is the TikTok ban. The fossil fuel thing wins "most insane". The cruelest part of 2025 may be removing support for persons with cognitive disabilities.

Dramatic cuts to science research and the antivaxx movement don't seem to be coming from Project 2025, those may be a Musk/Trump thing. Greenland/Canada also seems to be a Musk/Trump obsession.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Repairing a broken America - where the Trump oligarchy is vulnerable

I expect it will be transiently reversed, but the Jan 21, 2025 federal informer program was a historic marker. Nobody will be able to say they did not know.

The key to restoring a liberal democracy to America will be to identify and publicize Trump actions that his voters will find disturbing.  In a Bluesky thread I identified several measures that I think may resonate with non-college white men and women. I don't think Musk's impulsive nazi salute or the passing of liberal democracy or similar outrages will have much traction. I think these topics might. I will update this post as I collect ideas from more informed sources than me.
  1. Corruption. I believe corruption has been the downfall of many authoritarian governments even in nations that are much further from a functional democracy than America. Do not tire of pointing out the corruption of Trump and his oligarchs. Do not omit the corruption of Congress (including many Dems) and of the Supreme Court.
  2. Eugenics: Trump, Musk, Andreesen et al are true believers in eugenics. They believe that breeding must be encouraged among the cognitive elite. (Don't assume that the oligarchs are simple pigment racists, they will be more or less happy to include any cognitive elite.). They key here is that their eugenics enthusiasms exclude the majority of Trump voters. Most of them would not qualify as breeders.
  3. Medicine: I will not be entirely unhappy if RFK leads HHS. If immunization rates fall low enough we will see some outbreaks of truly horrible diseases among (mostly) unvaccinated children. The images will resonate with Trump voters. Mothers in particular may be unhappy.
  4. SCOTUS: If America has a future the Roberts Court will be counted among the most corrupt in history. I have a hunch there is a special vulnerability there.
  5. Religion: There is a reason church and state were separated hundreds of years ago. America has many religions and many sects. They all compete for funds and followers. They all believe they know the true way, and that their rivals are at least somewhat wrong. There is a strong Catholic component to the Trump regime (esp SCOTUS), that cannot please his Protestant fundamentalist followers. Do not fail to remind Trump's religious fundamentalists that he his oligarchs are all agnostic or atheist.
  6. Andreesen's Federal Bitcoin reserve: The use of "taxpayer money" to give Andreesen an exit from his bitcoin holdings will resonate with the Trump base. They do not mind oligarchs, but some will resent this.
  7. Crushing support for cognitively disabled children: Andreesen and Trump seem to have a particular dislike for the support of cognitively disabled children. Their language and cuts are particularly cruel. (They apply to cognitively disabled adults as well, but that cohort is less photogenic.) In my experience conservatives are often personally supportive of the cognitively disabled and more sympathetic than many Dem elite. This cruelty should be exposed and shared.
  8. Informer programs: The people of East Germany did not care for the STASI. Many of the Trump base will be offended by informer programs. Do not fail to publicize these.
It is two years to the midterms. Our goal is to show the Trump base that they have been cheated and betrayed. Some will vote Dem, many will decide not to vote. The 2026 midterms are the next battle for American democracy.

The Jan 21 2025 Federal OPM informer program is a historic milestone

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) informer program launched within government on Jan 21 2025. This is a historic milestone.

 [1] “… If you are aware of a change in any contract description or personnel position description since November 5, 2024 to obscure the connection between the contract and DEIA or similar ideologies, please report all facts and circumstances to DEIAtruth@opm.gov within 10 days.”


I think this may come to be seen as a tactical mistake. It is too early to launch informer programs, too early to turn colleagues into STASI style informers. The shape and form of the memo will rouse some. 

I worked for the Veterans Health Administration for six years and received DEI training during the Biden administration during the brief time the staff program ran before internal pushback ended it. I remember (fallible) one of our instructors as a black woman. Almost certainly a veteran. Patient, gentle, cautious -- the sort of person who will have friends and supporters. They will be unhappy.

I would not be surprised if the memo is rescinded and the author reassigned within the Trump administration. As I said - too early. But whether or not it is reversed, the wake up call is clear. Nobody will be able to say they did not know.

I am retired and, to be honest, I have been a bit at loose ends. In an odd way this is the sort of thing I've been waiting for. I'm reaching out locally to set up some in person discussions and networking for peaceful resistance and support.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

On DOGE and government efficiency: bad software, bad regulations, underfunded commitments and more

I spent six years as a mid-level (regional) federal bureaucrat in VHA. I'm also a tech and economics geek with 20 years experience at a very large publicly traded corporation and through our children I have extensive experience as a consumer of federal government services. Lastly I don't have to worry about offending employers or colleagues.

All of which is to say that if you want to think about President Musk's government efficiency push these thoughts may be helpful.

  1. The Federal government hires a lot of people to work around both software limitations and a rats nest of Congressional mandates and regulations that may have been well intended but are now obsolete and harmful. The mandates and regulations are only added, never removed.
  2. Much of the federal government is outsourced to huge consulting firms that benefit from both less awful internal software and freedom from many federal mandates and regulations (famously including many laws constraining law enforcement). They take a large cut for themselves so their net efficiency effect might be positive or negative. If government became more efficient then much of that outsourcing should be reversed -- but that would drastically reduce campaign donations and post-political employment for public servants.
  3. Government software quality was pretty good in the 80s and into the 90s. I've seen some good work in past few years, often by a very quiet semi-volunteer SV cohort that was brought in by Obama, survived Trump I, and continued through Biden.
  4. The Federal government lives by unfunded mandates and underfunded commitments. Inefficiency in many forms is a major way to reduce spending on those commitments. A more efficient government would employ far fewer people but would spend more money. The net effect might be negative.
  5. If software quality were improved, even without removing dysfunctional internal mandates and regulations, large numbers of working class American would lose what are often low paying but secure high benefit jobs. Even as the overall economy has far less to offer the non-academic class than it did even 20 years ago. Inefficient government employment is a model for what we will need to do for most Americans as our AIs develop.
  6. The main reason federal software quality is poor is because federal software procurement follows rules set up in the 1980s to reform defense department purchasing and because of mandates designed to support military veterans and historically disadvantaged populations. These rules are incompatible with creating and maintaining complex software.
  7. If government switched to modern software platforms there would be a huge expenditure to upgrade IT infrastructure.
That's about all I have. I know there are others who can offer far more detail, but they will usually be unable to speak freely. If you are a journalist I suggest hunting down other retired mid-level federal bureaucrats.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Link resolution in the broken web - embed a fallback search string in the URL

Geeks know the web has been dying for over a decade. Google was one on the killers, which is ironic since now the near-dead web is a problem for Google search.

Part of the dying web is a lot of broken links. But sometimes the target still exists, maybe at a different service. Or maybe in the Internet Archive.

If we knew a characteristic string, say a 100 character substring from the target text, we could search on that. 

If that characteristic string were a part of the HTML for the URL then when that URL fails a client could automatically search with that string. Often the target would be found.

Perplexity tells me this is a novel idea, so I'm posting it here. Maybe a future AI will read and suggest it as its own idea. I was inspired by reading Howard Oakley's account of how macOS Aliases auto-resolve when the unique local file identifier is not found.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

On performative block culture in social media

I am told Oligarch Musk did something that made blocking less effective on X.  I don't care about what he did, but I think our would-be Ruler has a point. There is something about triumphal blocking that makes me uneasy. It has the scent of High School bullying and community shunning. I think it makes smart people wary of engagement. 

Social media blocks are necessary. That doesn't make them good.

I'd like to see an option for time-limited blocks. I'd also like profiles to show block counts by default, with an option to hide that count. 

How would I use the signal of a high or absent block count?

I would evaluate in context, but often I would not engage with a high block count poster. I would be less likely to follow them as well, not least because tracking who I should be wary of is too much work.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Ed Lotterman - American's best economics pundit - and a sample column excerpt (immigration)

What? You've never heard of Ed Lotterman, the Minnesota economist whose web site was last current around 2020? At one time he was an agricultural economist and an economics prof at a small MSP liberal arts college and before that:

For most of the 1990s, Ed was the regional economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, where his chief responsibility was to write that Bank’s portion of the infamous “beige book.” In 1998 he left the Fed to begin writing Real World Economics.

Perhaps you've never heard of him because the only newspaper he appears in is the very obscure and all but defunct "St Paul Pioneer Press". Where his content is paywalled (unless you read the RSS feed!). He has never had, to my knowledge, any professional social media presence of any kind.

Lotterman is almost a complete unknown. He is also, of all the many economics journalists and pundits I read, the most persuasive and, for me, the most insightful.

I can't fix our broken knowledge economy but I can, in a blog even more obscure than Professor Lotterman, excerpt key "fair use" fragments of his columns. These are tagged Lotterman, so you can see them at notes.kateva.org/search/label/Lotterman.

For example (The "Black jobs" is a reference to a classic Trump racist statement a week or two before)

Real World Economics: Consider immigrants’ impacts on wages and jobs 10/27/2024

... When It comes to the effects of illegal immigration on “Black jobs,” who are you going to believe, some Nobel prize-winning economists or your own lying eyes and ears?

Well, I’m with my own lying eyes and with Donald Trump — and against most individual economists and respected think tanks. In the real world, large numbers of immigrants in recent decades, here both legally and unauthorized, do suppress wages for low-skilled native-born workers. They also make it harder for native-born workers, Black or white, to find jobs.

This is a major reason for disaffection and anger among lower-education manual workers of any race in our country today, and it’s fueling Trump’s popularity. It is an issue to which higher-education white-collar workers shamefully have turned blind eyes and deaf ears, and to which ivory-tower think tanks have tried to defuse.

Caveat: I desperately hope that Trump loses the election. But at age 78 and with multiple health risk factors, he won’t be around forever. The issues he raises here, however, will live on....

... The growing inequality of income distribution in the United States, and the well-founded hopelessness of tens of millions of households, is the central economic challenge of our age.

... First, Trump’s casual references to “Black jobs” have racist overtones. But if instead he had said, “high numbers of immigrants reduce wages and job openings for low-education, low-skilled native born U.S. workers,” his racial views would not have clouded the argument....

...  false, however, is the facile argument that immigrants only take “jobs that Americans are not willing to do.” That ignores the fact that the labor supply curve slopes up and to the right. Raise wages, and more people will want to do these jobs. Meatpackers, roofing contractors and dairy farmers who argue they hire immigrants “because I could not get anyone else to take the jobs” need to add the words “at the low wages I want to pay and under bad working conditions.”

Twenty-five years ago you could find plenty of native-born workers milking cows, mowing lawns, tarring roofs and troweling concrete. Forty years ago native-born workers still toiled on packing plant kill floors. The reason these now are rare is not that a wave of indolence swept our working classes. Rather it was that more and more employers found they could hire good workers at lower wages than they had been paying.

In economics terms, the entire supply curve for unskilled workers had “shifted to the right.” This means that at each of many possible wage rates, one could find more willing job applicants than before.

Also recognize that employers are not a vile class of exploiters. Most employers of unauthorized immigrants are not vast publicly traded corporations. Other than in meat packing and poultry processing, they often are small- or medium-sized businesses in brutally competitive markets.

In hiring, they are caught in a classic “prisoner’s dilemma:” If other small-business roofers, insulation installers or landscapers start hiring unauthorized workers, and they themselves can only get native-born crews by paying higher wages, and by extension, raising prices, they will soon be driven out of business. Or, as has been true for Minnesota dairy farms using only family labor, they face decades of brutally falling inflation-adjusted milk prices.

The cost advantage of hiring workers not here legally goes beyond wages to working conditions. These immigrants are the most powerless people in our economy. Most of their employers may be entirely honest and fair. Some are subject to federal inspection in terms of safety and compliance with Fair Labor Standards Act provisions. But millions of these immigrants also work in dangerous conditions, do not get overtime or rest breaks or whose wages are simply stolen. They are highly compliant workers who endure abuse because they are vulnerable with little choice.

Also recognize that for immigrants, merely being here is “fringe benefit,” because it is an investment for the future. Working for low wages in grueling conditions, enables bringing other family members. It promises their offspring far better futures than in their countries of origin. This trend is not new either. It has been true for all of American history and for most of us.

So why do economists differ with Trump, and think high immigration levels have small adverse effects on native born workers? Their research is sophisticated in its use of statistical modeling and looks at effects on the economy as a whole. Search “economic research effect of immigrants on wages” to get studies from the liberal Brookings Institution and conservative Cato Institute alike, from Forbes Magazine, the Center for Immigration Studies, Congress.gov, the Penn-Wharton Budget Model and myriad scholarly journals.

These are based on econometric modeling. Many cite early work by David Card, a labor economist who shared a Nobel Prize in 2007 for work finding that minimum wages could increase employment and on the wage effects of immigration. But they broaden this across economies as a whole and in greater depth than in the “real world.”

I am not qualified to critique this work. However, Card’s initial work was on one unusual case, the effects of the 1980 arrival of Cubans in the Mariel boatlift that further doomed Jimmy Carter’s reelection chances. Card found that subsequent unemployment in the Miami area was no higher than in similar metro areas with fewer Mariel refugees. Extending this highly unusual one-time event to the entire national economy seems a “fallacy of composition” to the nth power.

Also, some academic results seem strained, to put it politely. For a few examples, consider that the availability of immigrant nannies allows more college educated mothers to return to work, thus increasing employment. Also, remittances back to El Salvador from immigrants here amount to 18% of their GDP and thus that country can import more from us.

I suggest that the current panicked reactions of employers of immigrants to the prospect of a Trump administration forcibly expelling millions of immigrants is the strongest refutation of academia’s “no effect on wages or employment” arguments. If immigration did not lower wages, as the economists say, why should out-migration, even forced, raise them?

The Department of Homeland Security says there are only some 82,000 unauthorized immigrants in Minnesota, but they are now a large fraction of dairy farm employees. A recent news article quotes a dairy farm owner warning in apocalyptic terms of soaring milk prices and milk shortages if illegal workers are rounded up and expelled.

Another from a national newspaper warns of a collapse of home construction and soaring housing prices if building contractors lose immigrant workers. And one can find similar plaints from poultry and hog processors of no ham on tables or even Chicken McNuggets if immigrants are arrested and expelled...

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Mass disability measured: in 2016 40% of OECD workers could not manage basic technology tasks

It's hard to imagine how very simple much of our technology environment was in the 1980s. Much of what we interacted with was still understandable in simple mechanical terms. Early Mac OS Classic was vastly easier to understand and work with than anything we can image now; the closest analogy would be year two of the iPhone.

But even 8 years ago only a small slice of humanity could manage their technology environment (Jakob Nielsen from November 2016, thanks Matt Panaro for sharing.)

... The data was collected from 2011–2015 in 33 countries and was published in 2016 by the OECD... In total, 215,942 people were tested, with at least 5,000 participants in most countries... 

... research aimed to test the [job-related including technology] skills of people aged 16–65 ...

...participants were asked to perform 14 computer-based tasks. Instead of using live websites, the participants attempted the tasks on simulated software on the test facilitator’s computer. This allowed the researchers to make sure that all participants were confronted with the same level of difficulty across the years and enabled controlled translations of the user interfaces into each country’s local language ..

The tasks they chose were typical business worker tasks. The kinds of tasks that had lots of training back in the 90s. They never tried anything as tough as the HR software my legally disabled son has to work with at his minimum wage hourly job (we do it for him obviously).

Not all OECD members are equally wealthy but Nielsen reproduces a country-specific bar chart from the study. US numbers are not hugely different from the OECD averages; I've added US numbers based on squinting at the chart (numbers are done as levels, so as we move up the prior skills are assumed):

26% could not use a computer at all (US 20%)

14% could delete an email (US 15%)

29% could manage "reply all" or "Find all emails from John Smith" (US 35%)

5% could do "You want to know what percentage of the emails sent by John Smith last month were about sustainability." (US 5%)

They did not test the ability to maintain multiple malware-free home computers, iPhones, iPads and the like. I'd guess that's more like 0.1%.

Jakob Nielsen has been talking about "usability" as long as I can recall. So eight years ago he put this into the context of computer design and training. Which has been the mainstream interpretation of findings like this over the past 50 years of growing technological complexity. 

50 years is a good amount of time to wait for better software. Now we anticipate AI will monitor computer screens and guide users to complete tasks

But maybe better software won't help. After all, 40% of users couldn't do relatively simple software tasks. Maybe the problem is human cognitive limits.

I have coincidentally used that 40% number in a post rather similar to this the last time Trump won. Around the time that OECD study was published. Forty percent is my guesstimate of the percentage of Americans who cannot hope to earn the approximately $70,000 a year (plus benefits) needed to sustain a single adult in the low-end of American middle-class life. A life with some savings, yearly vacations, secure shelter, even a child or two.

Since at least 2008 I have called this global phenomenon mass disability. Every few years I see the basic concept emerge, typically with more euphemisms, only to be quickly forgotten. It's hard to fix anything when the the fix begins with a very unhappy truth. 

The unhappy truth is the complexity of our technological environment has exceeded the cognitive grasp of most humans. We now have an unsustainable mismatch between "middle-class" work and the cognitive talents of a large percentage of Americans.

There are things to do, some of which Biden started. We probably needed to have started on them back in the 90s. Perhaps Musk will have ideas. It's all on the oligarchs now.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Chaos times: American oligarchy

1. I was right about polling being worthless

2. At least Biden was spared humiliation 

3. Americans chose oligarchy willingly. 

4. Our feeble democracy wasn’t going to survive AGI (if we get it)

5. I think the inability of a large number of men and women to meet the always increasing IQ/EQ requirements needed for a middle-class life is the root cause. #massDisability

Now we enter the chaos times.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Autonomous vehicles: A prediction

I'm putting this down as a marker for me to look back to in a few years.

When autonomous vehicles are able to operate in Minnesota winters they will also be able to converse about quantum field theory, exotic mathematical geometries, politics in the Maldives, art history, and their latest contributions to classical music. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Muskism, Vance, AI and the American choice between oligarchy and an imperfect democracy

In advance of Nov 5 2024, some thoughts on  Muskism. Because I can't resist this kind of thing.

Musk and his fellow tech oligarchs more or less believe in the need to preserve a white tribe, eugenics, and the relative supremacy of a male pattern brain. But I don't think that's what is what is driving Musk's political agenda.

I think Musk is sincere about his stated AI beliefs. He expects at least the genius-in-every-pocket described by Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei. He believes American democracy will not survive the AI driven chaos to come. This challenge, Musk believes, will be far more disruptive than mere world war.

Musk and his tech allies believe that humanity's best chance is to be guided by a kind of aristocracy of wealth and (in his imagination) clear thinking intellect. Perhaps if we pass into a future AI golden age democracy might be restored, but that will depend on whether the SentientAsBestWeCanTell AIs of 2030 get the vote. The Muskites believe Trump is weak, dying, and will not finish a second term. He will be pardoned, given money and left to the side. Vance is their man. The tech oligarchs will steer America and the world through what lies ahead.

I believe Musk is correct about the AI chaos to come. In the old days we called this period the "technological singularity" -- back when singularity meant absence of prediction rather than a religious experience.

I don't, however,  think Musk and his billionaire minions are the answer to this challenge. I would prefer to give democracy a chance.

But does democracy really have a chance? November 2024 is the test. If Americans, knowing all they know now, having lived through a Trump presidency, still reelect Donald Trump -- then it's clear our democracy is not up to the much greater challenge of even collective climate geoengineering -- much less the AI transition.

If "Trump" (Vance really) wins in 2024 I will be sad. On the other hand, I will then accept that Musk was correct. If American democracy can't handle the Trump idiocy it will have demonstrated it is entirely insufficient for what lies ahead. In that case perhaps the oligarchy is the best we can do.

If Vance loses in a few weeks -- then we will see how democracy manages the chaos times. That's what I have voted for.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Perplexity is saving my linguistics classmates

I have a dark past. I asked questions. In class. Lots of questions. Too many questions. I hear things, I get ideas, I notice gaps, I ask questions.

It's a compulsion.

Some of the questions helped classmates. To be honest more were probably confusing or distracting. I likely featured in classmate daydreams -- but not in a good way.

Worse, some of the questions confused the professor. Or exposed what they didn't understand. That could be embarrassing or even humiliating.

Now I'm back in the classroom, doing freshman linguistics.  As a 65yo, I can do classes at Minnesota state colleges and universities for free. We pay a lot in taxes, but there are benefits to living here.

My question compulsion is still there, but LLMs are saving everyone. I set up a linguistics "collection" in Perplexity with appropriate prompts; now I type my questions into my phone (allowed in class). I get the answer with Perplexity and spare my classmates.

Never say AI isn't good for something.

PS. Perplexity is to modern Google as Google was to Alta Vista. A qualitative improvement. It's almost as good as 1990s Google.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The End Times have come for the Pinboard.in bookmarking service

In the years following the Great Recession, from 2010 to 2013, many web services went offline. In retrospect that was the end of the Berners-Lee web.

During that time, starting in 12/29/2011, I started using Maciej Cegłowski's Pinboard bookmarking site as a kind of micro blog. 

Pinboard filled part of the Google Reader Social vacuum. There were various apps and services around pinboard, in addition to IFTTT, that made that feasible. My Pinboard 's' posts were published to Twitter, then app.net, and most recently Mastodon (and probably a few other services too). They were also archived in kateva.org/sh

Pinboard imported my old Google Reader social bookmarks so it's a pretty complete set of things I shared, mostly tech and events that seemed to have potential lasting meaning. There are over 50,000 pins now. There were apps written for Pinboard, creating a small ecosystem of added value.

I'm still on my original subscription plan - about $20 a year or so. It ends in Feb 2025 and I won't be renewing. I feel like it's 2013 again.

Over the past few years there have been a slowly increasing number of pinboard outages with less communication. While debugging the last outage I purged my local history from the 3rd party Pins iOS app and found that Pinboard was throttling their download API. I could download only 100 of my 50,000 or so pins. (It's still easy to download the whole set as a file). 

That's ominous, but more importantly Pinboard is a one person show and that person is no longer responding to support emails. Maciej is no longer active on social media that I know of. His Pinboard.in support forum has been quiescent for years. I'll be researching my micro blog options and I'll write about what I come up with on tech.kateva.org. 

10 years is an eternity on the web. Pinboard had a good run, but it too is passing. I have my archives and you can still download JSON or HTM versions of past bookmarks. I might wish for a more graceful end but Pinboard was a good service while it lasted and there is a clear data exit if not a clear replacement. Thank you, Maciej, for the value you delivered to me.

Update: via a Mastodon friend a Hacker News article on the ignominious end of Pinboard and some alternatives: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41533958

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

In which I declare my expert judgment on AI 2024

These days my social media experience is largely Mastodon. There's something to be said about a social network that's so irreparably geeky and so hard to work with that only a tiny slice of humanity can possibly participate (unless and until Threads integration actually works).

In my Mastodon corner of the "Fediverse', among the elite pundits I choose to read,  there's a vocal cohort that is firm in their conviction that "AI" hype is truly and entirely hype, and that the very term "AI" should not be used. That group would say that the main application of LLM technology is criming.

Based on my casual polling of my pundits there's a quieter cohort that is less confident. That group is anxious, but not only about the criming.

Somewhere, I am told, there is a third group that believes that godlike-AIs are coming in 2025. They may be mostly on Musk's network.

Over the past few months I think the discourse has shifted. The skeptics are less confident, and the godlike-AI cohort is likewise quieter as LLM based AI hits technical limits. 

The shifting discourse, and especially the apparent LLM technical limitations, mean I'm back to being in the murky middle of things. Where I usually sit. Somehow that compels me to write down what I think. Not because anyone will or should care [1], but because I write these posts mostly for myself and I like to look back and see how wrong I've been.

So, in Aug 2024, I think:
  1. I am less worried that the end of the world is around the corner. If we'd gotten one more qualitative advance in LLM or some other AI tech I'd be researching places to (hopelessly) run to.
  2. Every day I think of new things I would do if current LLM tech had access to my data and to common net services. These things don't require any fundamental advances but they do require ongoing iteration.  I don't have much confidence in Apple's capabilities any more, but maybe they can squeeze this out. I really, really, don't want to have to depend on Microsoft. Much less Google.
  3. Perplexity.ai is super valuable to me now and I'd pay up if they stopped giving it away. It's an order of magnitude better than Google search.
  4. The opportunities for crime are indeed immense. They may be part of what ends unmediated net access for most people. By far the best description of this world is a relatively minor subplot in Neal Stephenson's otherwise mixed 2018 novel "Fall".
  5. We seem to be replaying the 1995 dot com crash but faster and incrementally. That was a formative time in my life. It was a time when all the net hype was shown to be .... correct. Even as many lost their assets buying the losers.
  6. It will all be immensely stressful and disruptive and anxiety inducing even though we won't be doing godlike-AI for at least (phew) five more years.
  7. Many who are skeptical about the impact of our current technologies have a good understanding of LLM tech but a weak understanding of cognitive science. Humans are not as magical as they think.
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[1] I legitimately have deeper expertise here than most would imagine but it's ancient and esoteric.